This beautiful bouquet of green and white flowers is an ideal way to bring a natural touch to occasion. Featuring a blend of lush green foliage and soft white blooms (which may vary according to the season), this bouquet is subtle and stylish, a perfect choice for your green wedding.
*Flowers vary depending on season.
Includes all flowers and foliage needed to make your selections as a minimum. Please use our online videos for inspiration / instruction!
Supplies not included! For supplies needed, click here.
If you would like something not listed, or you want to go really big then please book our consultation service.
With our stunning colour palettes and comprehensive instructions, you’re good to go!
However, if you've envisioned a unique colour combo, or wish to break free from traditional wedding flower norms, our personalised consultations are the key to bringing your floral vision to life.
Book a 30-minute consultation with one of our experienced floral artists, who’ll collaborate with you to transform your dreams into reality.
Following the session, you'll receive a bespoke quote for your dream wedding flowers, along with specific advice on creating and transporting your floral arrangements for the big day.
We recommend consultations for wedding flowers with a budget exceeding £1100.
Consultations cost £50. To book, simply make your payment online, and we’ll reach out to schedule your personalised appointment.